Save gas and go green

Does it seem like every time you go to fill up the price of gas has gone up again? Here are some ways to save money.

save gas

1. Maintain your vehicle: A well maintained vehicle uses less gas than a poorly maintained vehicle. Regular maintenance helps ensures you’re getting the best mileage your vehicle can provide.

2. Check your engine air filter every 3 months: A blocked air filter makes an engine work harder and costs you in miles per gallon. You can get replacement filters at workshop as well as many hardware and even department stores, and they’re easy to change.

3. Check your tyre pressure every month: Tyre pressure gauges are inexpensive and easy to use, so buy one and keep it in your car. Under-inflated tyres are harder to turn, so your engine needs to work more to go the same distance. Inflate your tyres to the proper.
4. Drive at the speed limit: Driving even 10 miles per hour over the limit will cost your gas. Experts estimate that driving at the speed limit will give most drivers 10% better gas mileage.

5. Don’t Idle: Leaving a car idling for more than 30 seconds burns more gas than turning off the engine and starting it again.
6. Do use your air conditioning: On the highway, a vehicle with the windows rolled up and the air conditioning turned on uses less gas than the same car with the windows down. Having the windows closed reduces drag on the car so it rolls easier and burns less gas.
