Rust can radically depreciate your car’s resale value
Rust in your car’s underbody is caused by prolonged exposure to water. It is inevitable to ensure that a new car is driven only on completely dry surfaces. The effects of rust cannot be reversed, only prevented. And you can prevent it.
Rust on the car can radically depreciate your car’s resale value. Some people may be tempted to wait until the sixth year to have a vehicle rustproofed, but by then it may be too late for prevention; it could mean a body-shop repair instead. It depends on how the car has been maintained up to that point.
When should you rustproof? Generally, if a vehicle is new or less than three years old, it’s a candidate for rustproofing if the owner wants to keep it for more than five years. Otherwise, a person may want to let the next owner worry about rust.
Is it worth it to rustproof a car that will be sold before rust starts? An after-market rustproofing may enhance the value of a used car somewhat.
Complete car detailing services includes under-body treatment. You can checkup with your neigbourhood car service centre for car detailing. In India there are companies like 3M with unique treatments formulated just to keep your under-body safe and intact. The new trends is to do car detailing at doorstep but that includes only interior and exterior, but underbody treatment require more time and efforts. It can be done only at car service station.
Check out methods for underbody treatments: