Majority of women leave car servicing to husbands (survey)
Women are afraid of going to any car workshop which is not organized and found herself cheated. This phenomena is across the world. One woman explains her situation like this “whenever I take my vehicle to garage without husband, i found my mechanic always giving higher cost estimation for small repair jobs”
A survey conducted by Bosch Car Service in the UK reveals 70% of women are still asking men to take their cars in for services.
The survey also revealed that three in ten drivers under the age of 24 admitted to letting their parents deal with the responsibilities of car maintenance, and just three in ten took their own cars in for a service.
Large car dealers are setting up women friendly service centers. Women are becoming independent in their choices, but few women prefer going to car service station for car checkup. Mostly ladies prefer pick and drop facility.
In India, nobody can imagine having separate facilities for women, but it exists in other countries. In Australia, there is Galmatic Workshop. It runs by women and provides training for do-it-yourself services. Galmatic empowers women to be road savvy and confident behind the wheel and educate women to know how their car works and save $ in costly repairs.
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