Is Your Car Mechanic Overcharging?

Most of the car owners have no answer to this question if their car mechanic is over charging or not.

MeriCAR asked many customers and they are not sure about over charging but doubt over this with answer – YES.

The real answers lies with two things:

1. Labour charges

2. Rates of Spares & Parts

Cost Estimation varies from car workshop to workshop. There are three types of car workshops. Dealers, Authorized hubs and Multbrands Small Garages.

OEM Dealer’s cost is always high just because they follow OEM standards of labour and rules :

“Don’t Repair but Replace”

The world still debate over above OEM statement that dealers follow above rule just to supply and sell their branded spare parts because that’s where huge network of OEM earns money out of aftermarket. OEM Manufacturer says they do just for HIGH CUSTOMER SATISFACTION with spare replacement policy.

Customer side story for preference to repair than replacement. If you are in India, Jugaad is new creative way to solve repair problems in this unorganized market.

Mechanics are not skilled by profession but by hereditary.

In India, when you go to small town, mechanic’s father of father were doing the same, that’s why they are passionate about solving car problems using jugaad or technical skills they may have acquired working with OEM Dealers for sometime.

When we talk about Cost Estimation, labours oriented businesses always vary with cost-of-labour.

If small mecahnic charge anything extra from standard labour charges, that’s counted as Over-Charging.

Last 9 years, MeriCAR has worked with 1000 mechanics closely in India and found that the cost- estimation is not disclosed to customer, that’s considered as Over Charging because customers were not aware what work needs to be done. This is reason, MeriCAR team force mechanic to give estimation before even starting the work. That has reduced complaints and avoid unnecessary job work that can be delayed for later assessment. has expended network all over India by partnering with local -partner who takes care of making strong relationship with mechanic to guide him to follow guidelines to make him A TRUSTED MECHANIC 😉

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