Giving Exact What You Are Looking For is Next Big Thing – MeriCAR Online Directory

Take an example of Google search, it is based on that only. Display of button saying “I am feeling lucky” makes it more clear the purpose. There are many web portals and directories. Are all doing well? The challenge is not in building a directory, validating data on regular basis is important.
Recent online survey done by MeriCAR shows 82% car owners are not aware about good workshops in their area. Few websites have a section on car workshops, but unmanageable, just another page. There is a need of “focused” directory to after-sales service car market. MeriCAR Directory service is an effort in this new focused category – Car Servicing Booking online. Recently launched directory meets the requirements of every car owner to find them easily. Maruti has large a network of Maruti Authorized Service Station, but online support to connect them is still a “missing link”. MeriCAR allows any user to contact MASS centers with just a click and support offline for sending enquiry using email and SMS. Maruti car owners still prefer Maruti Authorized Service Station even multi brand is a recent trend in India. To promote multibrand concept in India, MeriCAR has developed online Search Locator for Bosch Car Service for all cities in India. Team is doing best efforts to manually verifying car workshops contact details.

Neighbourhood car workshops are running based on referrals and road side advertisements. There is a huge gap with availability of car workshops when lots of car owners still looking for good workshops in their area online. MeriCAR Team even finds car workshops visiting in particular area when works managers have not realized yet to have entry in any of the directory. MeriCAR directory would help users to connect them easily and send online booking enquiry.

In India, developing online directory for car workshops is not enough when this business runs based on referrals, MeriCAR is also creating awareness about members car workshops in their area by distributing offers offline.