Factors that affect your car battery
Car battery will work efficiently and last up to about four years. Our cars will inevitably face extreme conditions that affect and cause a battery to go bad. Familiarize yourself with the various factors that can affect your individual car’s battery.
What factors affect and impact the life of your car battery?
1. Driving style: Short, quick trips and frequent stops and starts will drain a battery’s life. Most of the energy of your car battery expends is during ignition and it needs sufficient time in between trips to recharge.
2. Extreme temperatures: Even if you live in a fairly calm climate, chances are that everywhere you visit and drive your car doesn’t have a perfect outside environment, too. Extreme cold or hot weather requires a greater amount of energy from your car in order to start your vehicle and keep it charged.
3. Systems to support: In today’s modern vehicle, you can probably just look around your car and find an array of technological conveniences and accessories. MP3 players and GPS systems make driving easier—and more fun—they also drain the life of your car battery.
Source: http://cbac.com/blog/what-kind-lifespan-can-i-expect-my-car-battery