Do you believe car mechanic? Check out what he can hide from you
At first car service of your new car, you do not doubt on car service station (OEM dealer) for any malpractice until things go wrong just after that. You may start doubting on mechanic when you need to get service or repair done at nearest auto shop. There are few tips to avoid mechanics who hide things about your car.
Few complaints that customers who do not know about cars (especially women) and their mechanics take advantage of that. A user on Shine Yahoo said when she goes along with husband the car is in perfect condition, but when she is alone there’s always one or two serious things wrong with it.
Recently Shine published an article “13 Things Your Car Mechanic Won’t Tell You”. Few points are interesting and applicable to mechanics here in India too. Here is a new list of things (#5, 6, 7, 8,9 are from
1. Mechanics tells you that you car servicing will take 2 -3 days. He may be outsourcing his work or he does not have mechanic, routine car servicing does not take much time.
2. All recommendations may not be true, check with other dealer.
3. He has found broken fuel injector in your car; chances are he may have broken it himself.
4. Mechanic who does not explain you possibilities of car problem and is giving you impression that car has serious problem, avoid him.
5. It’s nuts to take a car with engine problems to a shop without a good engine analyzer and scan tool. Any mechanic who says ‘I don’t need fancy equipment’ should be avoided.
6. Synthetic motor oils may cost more, but you’ll get a lot more miles between changes.
7. When you go for a second opinion, don’t tell the mechanic what the first diagnosis and price were.
In India, some customers (especially emotional one) allow second mechanic to talk about mistake of first one. It is old formula to impress customer to give impression that you are in safe hand.
8. Coolant flushes and power steering flushes are very common gimmicks at quick lubes. Check your owner’s manual; many cars have fluid that is designed to go 100,000 miles. And cleaning fuel injectors is a waste of time and money. There are additives on the market that do a great job.
9. Always ask for OE [original equipment] brake pads or at least equivalent material.
Read more: Shine.Yahoo