Costly car repair Cheap car bumpers
Car bumper is the front and rear-most part designed to allow the car to sustain an impact without damage to the car’s safety systems. They are not helpful in high-speed impacts but prevent damage in low-speed collisions.
According to recent insurance company survey , replacement of car bumpers have increased the cost of repair. Most of the cars do not have good bumpers. Surprisingly, there was only one vehicle 1981 Ford Escort passed the test for best bumber during testing and survey.
“Automakers could equip new cars with bumpers that are every bit as good as the 1981 Ford Escort’s, but they choose not to,” commented by president of agency which conducted tests.
All parts don’t cost the same. The total cost to fix damage after a minor bump is influenced by more than the extent of the damage. Another issue is that the price of the same part a fender, hood, or other part varies from vehicle to vehicle.
Besides the cost of damage in low-speed collisions, there’s the aggravation. Most people want to avoid having to get repair estimates, arrange for repairs, and then do without their cars while they’re in the auto shop.
Reducing the damage required the bumpers to engage the barrier and absorb the energy of the impact, but this mostly didn’t happen.
Good bumper performance requires not only engagement with the test barrier but also strength sufficient to absorb the energy of a low-speed crash.
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