Car engine switches off when I put on AC. Experts Answers

Car owners ask MeriCAR Experts about their car problems. Here are few answers to some critical problems which you may like to know before visiting your mechanic.

I have 2001 model Santo When the engine is in cold condition (for eg: starting after a gap of 4 hrs) and if I start and switch on the AC, the AC runs. But when I move forward and change gears (1st to 2nd or 2nd to 3rd), the engine switches off. But when the engine is warm (i.e after about 15-20 minutes of running) then there is no problem and AC and engine runs smoothly. Also if I do not use AC, then there is no problem of engine switching off even if it is in cool down condition. Please tell me whether the problem is with the engine or AC?

MeriCAR Expert Answers:
When we switch on the AC the acceleration of the engine requires to increase about 10 % through a sensor. It seems the sensor to increase that acceleration is not working and if this problem with ac only then, get the same checked by scanner at the car workshop and clean or change the same. Also please note if your car is running on CNG then the acceleration to be increased otherwise AC trips.

I have a Maruti 800 MPFI car about 10 year old. It’s fitted with CNG, but due to prolonged non usage the CNG kit system is not in working condition. The gas flow is not consistent. Kindly suggest what needs to be done in order to make it fully functional.

MeriCAR Expert Answers:
First of all get the regulator of the CNG kit overhauled and check the wiring and gas filling valve and leakage from the pipes cylinder and other joints you will get it functional if that was working properly when you had stopped using cng.

I have 1992 model Maruti Esteem car., which has a problem of tyre. I mean if car runs just for 60 kms, tyre gets cut and AC is not working, suspension is also not in good condition so can you please tell me the cost for repair that..And what is the problem with that.

MeriCAR Expert Answers:
Your vehicle has all problems except engine as per your query . The tyre worn out problem is because of wheel alignment or the vehicle has accident from the lower. The cost of the repair for the above problem is approximately Rs.10000 to Rs.15000. Depending upon the AC compressor condition. Apart from the above problems please see whether you have got the vehicle fitness (which is required after 15 years and every five years after 15 years) done or not, if not then that is the more dangerous and illegal to run that vehicle on the road.

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