Imagine doing car servicing at home in India? Do-It-Yourself Car Servicing!
No car owner can think of doing car servicing at home in India when recent survey shows do-it-yourself (DIY) car servicing has increased in UK. Recent Kwik-Fit’s survey of 2,000 people showed that 2.5 million fewer cars were serviced at a garage in the past year to save money. (Source:Telegraph UK)
Do-it-yourself does not work here in India when you can find road side car workshops to do car servicing at cheaper. With increase in inflation, petrol prices, sophistication in car technology, servicing at road side car workshop may not work. How would car owner save money on car servicing? The knowledge is the key. Car owners need to be aware about basics about car servicing. Checking car bonnet at home may be routine at home during weekend in India. Use of car maintenance software can help doing minor checks at home.
As per the report, proper service will highlight issues which could cause a future breakdown and also cover areas too complicated for most DIY mechanics, such as timing belt replacement. (Source: Telegraph UK)