Multibrand or Specialized Workshops – What do you prefer?

Nowadays when i get a spare time, i just throw questions in different forums to get views what car owners think about Multibrand workshops and Specialized OEM Authorized workshops. Here are some comments i have for visitors. Hope this would help while choosing between 2.

Comment 1. > According to my personal opinion the one good thing about the independents (multibrand), if it is a real good shop, then you can develop more of a family relationship with them. The more likely a customer will choose to pay the higher price from a franchised dealer (authorized service center) for that “peace of mind” of having the work done by OEM-backed professionals –and the work covered by the manufacturer guarantee.

Comment 2: For multi brand and specialized car workshop same as two side of coin

OEM : Authorized Workshop have load on Free Service Cars & have all quality parts & technology for their range of cars.

Multi Brand Workshop : Only Post warranty customer come. OEM can definitely charge higher price where as Multi brand can give you nice customer experience.

Comment 3: I think Multibrand can also do well in “technology” if they are Authorized one like BOSCH Service Centers. In India BOSCH Ltd. bringing same concept for 500 workshops by next year and presently there are 260 garages/workshops all over India.