Do not waste money replacing broken car glass, check out if that can be repaired
When my car had broken windscreen front car glass, I just took my car to dealer service station and they get it replaced with new one and I did not mind paying them good amount when it was paid under cashless insurance. Not all have similar situation and when you need to pay from your pocket you probably would like to know if that glass can be repairable.
Majority people even do not know if broken car glass can be repairable. There are 6 typical repairable chips cracks – star break, bee’s wing, bull’s eye, half moon, combination, clover leaf. If the crack on your windscreen resembles any of 6 chips and if it is smaller than 1.5 inches in diameter, it can probably be repaired. Most of the vehicles come with Laminated Windshield, it is a sandwich construction of two pieces of glass with a clear, strong plastic Polyvinyl Butyral inter layer. Laminated windshield can be repaired.
There is a critical vision area, that is where driver need clear vision to see on the road. It is suggested to replace than repair with the following conditions.
1. Two or more repairs already exist in the critical area and the new damage is within this area.
2. Eight or more repairs already exist on the screen.
3. The cracks ends at the end of the edge of the windscreen.
4. A previously repaired crack is over 100mm long.
5. The damage has affected more than the outer layer of glass.
6. The damage has harmed the windscreen laminate bonding layer (seen as bubbles)
7. The damage lies in the critical vision area and there is a adjacent previous repair within the overlay area (150mmX1500mm)
You can check with Windshield Experts by sending them enquiry click here.
Windshield Experts is providing support for car glass replacement and repair in 33 cities and 56 centers, in India.