Brake system problem and solution
When you think about your car, what is the most important role your car must play in your everyday life? Safety. When you are driving it is very important to be able to stop quickly and safely, yet many people put off replacing their brakes because it does not slow down them from driving in their mind.
Brakes are a normal wear item for any car. Eventually, they are going to need to be replaced for both performance and safety reasons.
Problem: Brake fluid becomes oxidized and contaminated over time and use. Heat and moisture cause corrosion on parts and brake fluid failure. This causes a spongy brake pedal and shows up in discolored brake fluid.
Solution: The entire brake system is inspected for leaks, master cylinder corrosion, worn pneumatic parts, harmful varnish build-up, broken or rusted bleeder valves, worn rotors and drums and air in the brake lines. The result will be a longer lasting, more efficient and safer braking system.
Your Brake System: The brake system is your car’s most important safety system. Never put off routine brake inspections or any needed repair so that your car can continue to operate as designed. Brakes often have wear indicators that produce noise when it’s time to change the pads. Brake noise may sound like high pitch squealing or a grinding noise. Or your brakes may feel different when you press on them.