13 car care tips for your car to look healthy

car care

1. Get regular oil changes since they are your best investment toward the long life of the engine.

2. Get regular brake inspections which are the best way to ensure safe and reliable breaking and minimize the cost of repairs when break service is needed.

3. Make sure your gas cap is secure and tight. A loose gas cap can trigger the “Check Engine” or “service Engine Soon” light.

4. Ensure your tires are properly inflated. Proper tire inflation can improve gas mileage by more than 3 percent when maintained regularly.

5. Get regular alignment checks — they are your best way to maximize tire life and ensure that your car performs on the road as originally designed.
6. Get routine tune-ups and engine performance checks — they can be your best assurance of good performance and fuel economy.

7. Frequent washing and polishing is the best way to protect your car’s finish from the damaging effects of acid rain.

8. You should check the condition of the coolant each spring and fall to make sure the additives that protect against corrosion still function.

9. Have any suspicions of a leak checked out at once. Carbon monoxide from your car’s exhaust is odorless, colorless-and lethal.

10. Try to replace your car’s fuel filter every two years or 24,000 miles for best results.

11. During normal driving, you may not notice a light that isn’t working; inspect your car’s lights at every oil change.

12. You should test your battery every fall. If your car’s battery is three years old or more, consider replacing it since the chances of failure increase.

13. Improper ride height of your car can impact alignment angles and cause premature wear of some steering and suspension parts.

Take care of your car and drive smarter because your car is your big investment.

Source: http://www.carcare.org/2013/01/13-car-care-resolutions-for-2013/