Car sanitisation: New business in town

After a two-month lockdown in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, when the Delhi government reopens its doors for economic growth and relocation, old sources are closing the store and people are looking for ways to make bread.

Bharat Anand, Mukesh Kumar, Rahul Eka, and Rahul Kumar are running the workflow shop as more cars are appearing on Delhi roads with the new standards in Lockdown 4.0. All sorts of vehicles need to be clean to stay on the road – all four saw this as an opportunity to reintroduce.

“Our business  Rouge we think back to – Perfect dirt cleaners potential outcomes – the epidemic has been locked in thought. Rohini knows that we have seen, but he’s a great shoe and not a machine use, mechanical and small manual machine donors, so it also makes Una understand why we have to start, “he said Anand, India.

This is the best way to keep people safe during the epidemic, as the COVID-19 virus spreads rapidly. The hygiene process usually takes 15 minutes for a two-wheeler and 20 minutes for a four-wheeler. Rs. 20, two-wheeler Rs. 50 for a four-wheeler.

“To keep yourself safe while wearing masks, gloves, face shield, and PPE kits. We also have rubber gloves for advanced protection. At the end of the day, we carefully remove the protective gear used for biohazard waste disposal,” said Anand.

The capital of the country was busy on Tuesday as the Lok Delhi chief minister announced new regulations for the lockdown.

